This is a song composed by Peejay the artist , performed by Peejay the artist.
Inspiration behind the song is how without GOD and LOVE ,Man can’t sustain without “money”
“We wake every morning to go to work,make a life so that we can take care of our families.Parents spend so much on their kids education so they can become trained and qualified to be able to work and care for themselves and their parent in their old age.Just like “Blood is Life”, so is MONEY .Because it is with money that man can care for his body and sustain his life.Apart from God and Love ,the most important thing every person needs is Money.”
Yet when God blesses one and he seems to be progressing,people start to hate Peejay Said…
Saying all sorts of things,even attributing the success to something evil and bad
You can download song here…..
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